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Writer's pictureCarrie

It's time to talk

Talking with our loved ones about safety concerns is not an easy conversation. The questions we ask can cause conflict, distrust, and even anger. Our goal with these discussions is to show our loved ones that we care. In my professional experience, the majority of adults who have fallen will not disclose this information unless they are directly asked. It was often the caregiver/spouse who would report the fall to me. Fear is a major factor in whether people are honest about falls in the home. One of the best gifts we can give to our loved ones is to take the time to listen to them, ease their concerns and fears. Asking questions can help you gain a better understanding of how their day-to-day activities are going.

Here are some simple conversation starters to help you get the dialogue going.

  1. How is your week? Have you been shopping? How is that experience for you?

  2. What type of projects have you been working on lately? Are you doing anything with your friends, clubs?

  3. Is there anything around the house that is giving you trouble? Is there anything I can help you with?

  4. I realize it has been a while since we last spoke. How are you doing? Are you getting around your house okay? If I can ask, have you fallen recently?

Keep the questions brief and allow them ample time to respond. Listen and consider what information they are sharing with you. Are tasks easy or becoming difficult? Have they fallen? Is there any day-to-day activity that they can no longer do? Take their response into consideration and if it's time to make some changes give us a call. We realize these crucial conversations are not always easy but are extremely important. At Integrity Home Mobility, we specialize in helping people remain independent in their homes through our home modification and mobility product installation services. We are here to help you and your loved ones call Carrie at 704-657-9598. #ageinplace,#homemobility,#charlotte,#grabbars,#ramps,#stairlift,#eldercare,#accessibility

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